
Friday, October 14, 2011

From the Farmette #7 - Getting there...

First of all - we have a road again!!! I may never have longed for an inanimate object this much before... welllll, possibly a vintage County saddle ;)

Temporary Bridge
Truck crossing temporary bridge on hopefully permanent road

Taking a super quick break from sorting through my belongings, divvying out my belongings, throwing away my belongings and carting around my belongings.... why must there be so many?

The Shimmy Shack is up and running - all utilities on board (for the most part). I've spent the last week dodging thunderstorms, finishing the new deck, which more than doubles my square footage (!) Dad and I spent two whole weekends on the project, and maybe two perfectionosts is not alwayts better than one, but it turned out fantastic. Dad - words cannot express how awesome you are! Also getting the new building settled in - this was a bit of a nightmare - the baby faced delivery boy apparently needed more practice as he damaged some expensive lumber (and promptly lost my check) due to extreme incompetence.

I had a very nice ride last Friday before the moving craziness began in earnest. We did a good bit of trotting, but didn't drill anything for too long, and utilized the cones, finishing up with some work on the buckle. I think Val may be one of those horses that prefers warming up at a faster gait, and focusing on the walk later on. He really seemed like he enjoyed it. (which is good, because there's more coming where that came from mister man!!)

My recent photos are still on the camera at my other house, where the dogs are convinced that I'm abandoning them each time I walk out the door with a box - and there is no longer internet. Will edit post with some visuals asap. :)


  1. Moving belongings is always a pain. I'm so glad to see that you've got your road back. That should make things easier.

    Sounds like a good ride with Val. Can't wait to see pictures of the Shimmy Shack with the new deck. Hope you get internet soon.

  2. Sounds like there is a lot of excitement going on! Just think: when it is over the whole move will be just one tiny blip in the chronicles of your life!

  3. Whoo hoo~! Hope to see photos SOON! :)

  4. Glad your road is back. Sounds like you had a good ride on Val. I'm interested in your warm up. They facinate me. It seems to be accepted practice to warm up at the walk first, but when I posted about it many commenters warmed up at the canter or even a hand gallop to get the engine going. Sounds like you're finding this may work for you too. I wonder if hotter horses need to walk first, so they aren't tense, and cooler horses need to literally 'warm up' with some faster work? Anyway, hope the rest of the move goes well and I'm looking forward to reading about it and about your continued work with Val.

  5. Hooray for ROADS! :) Miles is also a walk-work-is-for-later type. He needs plenty of time at the walk to warm up first, but trying to actually bend, transition from collected to free walk, stuff like that? Nuh-uh. Not until later:)

  6. Roads are right up there with plumbing and refrigeration.

    I am glad that things are moving along for you and that you rode the wonderful Val!

  7. Glad to hear the road is repaired. So cool that your dad can help you get things set up the way you'd like there. Those guys are nice to have around :)

  8. Yay for having a road again! And how exciting that the Shimmy Shack is getting ready for habitation. How great will that be?

  9. Hurray for the impending return to normalcy for you, God knows you're due! Hang in there, you're getting close.

    Re: the walk work - I rode one that was like that - Maddie would get fussy if we walked too long, and any real walk work had to happen later. Derby, on the other hand, will happily walk all day. But his engine isn't set on the high revs Maddie's was.

  10. Oh good roads are like good men...that even made me laugh!

    Happiness is a good road. Val and Wa are the same that way, warm UPS are for getting there fast then- the chilling focusing occurs easier.
    Good all keeps smoothing out C!

  11. The photos a few posts down of the roads/flooding... wow. I'm glad for your road... now we just need to keep an eye out for a vintage County (ha ha)

    That snake just about did me in! Looking forward to your posting more about you and Val .

  12. ...when you say you did a good bit of trotting... how long is that for? I realize now that trotting is the best way to get one's horse into shape. And I am also wanting to slow my horse down a bit in the trot and I was told to just let him go for a while... he will slow down after 20 minutes and realize "fast" isn't necessarily they way to go...


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