
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the Arena # 112 - Guess what we did today...

:D  :D  :D


  1. I knew you'd get bored with that fancy new saddle! LOL :D

  2. Bet you just hopped on without bridle or saddle and had a wonderful ride!

  3. Funder-

    I felt waaay too lazy to deal with the extra hairy grooming process today. And hadn't tried my clip on reins yet. It would probably be a good idea to remove the fleecy pads from Val's halter though. ;)

  4. GHM-

    Yep! I never got to do anything like that as a kid. It was delightful. :)

  5. oooh, clip on reins are a major no no in my barn, lol. Which stinks since they are so much easier to put on the bridle.

  6. horsemom-

    I wouldn't use them on my bridle - they're for riding bitless with my halter. Luckily I'm the boss of my own barn ;)

  7. I just caught up on your past posts. The new saddle and pad sound wonderful. You and Val must feel great in them. Your description of the ride is heaven.
    Also, your raised bed looks like a lot of work to construct (a lot of wheel barowing) but it will be great to have the produce, grown by yourself from seed. I hope I find time to have a garden on our new land before too many years go by :)
    I love clip on reins, they are so easy. Glad you aren't giving up on bareback :)

  8. As a kid we always rode with those with our bits and never thought anything of it, so I was glad when my trainer pointed out how rude it was to have metal vibrating on metal:)

  9. Have fun! We have what appear to be those exact clip-on reins that we bought to use with halters, but they don't fit well to the halter and the poky things end up poking the horses. How are you getting yours to "sit right?"

  10. Carol-

    Sounds like things are moving along nicely for you and Rogo. I ran out of time reading up on you two this morning with my coffee - heading by to comment later! :)

  11. billie-

    I left Val's plush halter wraps on when we rode, which I immediately regretted as it dampened the effectiveness of my rein aids considerably.

    They probably also kept those tickly leather bits from bothering. The reins were too short I thought, but the main thing is we were very relaxed and had lots of fuuun. No stressy dressage stuff going on. I felt like a kid on her pony!

  12. Oh, I love those lazy days where they are so chill and you are like "Let's do this..." HOORAH :)

  13. Bareback and halter - the very best! Sovereign and I joined you in the same attire this morning! Sigh! Delightful! Happy days for you and Val!

  14. Kristen-

    That was exactly it - spur of the moment. Very out of character for me. Need to be that way more often. :)

  15. juliette-

    Thinking about a bitless bridle. Any suggestions?

  16. I like Dr. Cook's but I do think the criss-cross part underneath the cheeks gets twisted a lot when you ride. Maybe it is how I ride with too loose reins and maybe it is the frantic lip flipper Pie, but I have to untwist them during the ride which is a pain. Come to think of it, they never twist on Foggy so it must be our Pie. Sovey goes in a halter a lot. My friend gave me another bitless which I think is designed like the Nutural. I like it, but it has a big side Rosette thing that I don't like.

  17. On ours it's not the tickly leather bits, it's those little pointy pieces on the metal clip that hooks to the halter ring.

    I ended up getting a Micklam bitless bridle for Keil Bay awhile back since I like to alternate - and I put fleece on THAT noseband so I could soften the experience even more.

    However the reins on that are not quite long enough. There's always something!

  18. Yeah for bareback! And for spring looks like your jeans helped get some of that extra hair off. :)


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