
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

One of the benefits of throwing caution to the wind....

Stuck inside (again) due to weather. This time sleet, freezing rain, and eventually snow. Driving is hazardous. Walking on my porch is hazardous (waiting for the salt to work) so I'll be farmbound until the smoke clears. Those of you who deal with this crap on a regular basis, I.don'


A few months ago my book club read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, debut novel by Rachel Joyce. To quote the back of the book, "It is about all the wonderful everyday things Harold discovers through the mere process of putting one foot in front of the other."

The book was enjoyable, but that's not why I mention it.

While in the midst of reading, I came across a post over at 7MSN, one of my very favorite blogs (me and about five hundred other readers lol). I was absolutely enchanted by the story of Hannah and her donkey's journey - walking the entire circumference of their home country - Wales. 

Come to find out Hannah has a fundraising campaign going to raise the money needed to write their story, and make a film as well. The Kickstarter teaser blew me away...

Crazy town. A sign from the universe? Reading a book I would never have chosen, about letting it all go, listening to your inner voice, following your dreams no matter how crazy they may seem to others, and then through the beautiful randomness of the interwebs, there is this woman in real life, letting it all go, listening to her inner voice, following her dreams no matter how crazy they may seem to others...

I'm generally not a pledger, but how could I not? I felt a real connection to this wandering artist and her donkey. There was an email this morning saying she made her goal of ₤28,000 with a day to spare, (!!!) but there is still time to help her upgrade production values, and hire more local folks to work on the project.

If you're seeking a bit of inspiration in the midst of this dark, dreary, seemingly endless winter, do yourself a favor and visit Hannah and Chico across the pond in Wales. It will make you smile. :D

(borrowed from Hannah and Chico via 7MSN)


  1. Amazing journey for Hannah and friend. I think most of us would love to chuck it all and do something like this.

  2. Thanks for sharing the story of Hannah and Chico, very inspiring!

    Like you I am so. over. the. weather. On the bright side we have yet to deal with any winter precipitation aside from the occasional random snow flurry. Stay warm and enjoy some forced quiet time!

  3. Isn't it wonderful? I shrieked with delight weeks back when I first saw the video of Hannah talking about her journey.

    There is actually another book called The Wisdom of Donkeys by Andy Merrifield that is about a man and a donkey taking a long walk together. Sheaffer recommended it years ago and I reviewed it on his blog.

    I keep that book by my bed so I can pick it up regularly and read. It's absolutely wonderful.


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