
Saturday, December 17, 2016

On the fourth day of Christmas + Garden State

2016 brought promising progress in the garden department of Edgewood Farm.

A whole new wing with three more raised beds was added + a drip irrigation system. Val contributed the soil as per usual.

We had 21 inches of rain in one thirty day period at the start of the summer. That totally justified raising all the beds (but not the new irrigation lol).

There was a healthy first try harvest of fall planted garlic.

All the winter crops do well in our climate. This basket is full of Tuscan kale and beet goodness.

Tried to grow squash, with moderate success - it is notoriously hard to grow in our high humidity. I test drove row covers for the new crops. If the humidity doesn't get the squash, the dreaded vine borers will. Timing is everything, but at least now I can identify the moth. Hoping for better luck next year.

My hen Margie (named after a great aunt) became my bug hunting buddy. She would race to the garden gate when I called her, and follow me around as I picked pests off the plants. Her favorites were the tomato horn worms.

Not all bugs are bad...

Happy harvest :D


  ♫♪♬ On the fourth day of Christmas... ♫♪♬



  1. That was great! It made me laugh. Wonder how they got them to do that if it was real. It looked like it was. Our foxes at the farm are very playful always stealing our brushes and bringing them to the arena.

    Looks like a good harvest. Glad you had help with the bugs. Margie is a big help in that department.

  2. Oh my goodness! I love that - the hedgehog was adorable. And the Boxer!

    We have a raised garden- I love eating my own produce.

  3. I love that video! Where do you find these?! I'm loving the series. And I'm very impressed with your garden. Funny, squash grows like a week in our dry climate (rosemary and lavender too) but I can't grow melons at all. Our nights are too cool and they don't get enough hours of heat. I think garlic must grow everywhere. You got a bumper harvest.

  4. Great post. Congrats on posting all 12 days! Sorry to hear about the flooding. I'm sure you'll build back with lots of new ideas! Happy 2017.

  5. What a bountiful garden...happy harvesting!


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