
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Edgewood Farm - A Decade in Review

It doesn't seem possible that ten years have passed since I found Val and bought my wonderful property.

While searching through photos to use for this retrospective post, I ended up reading the entire blog. Mostly because five years ago water spilled into the back of my previous laptop and sizzled it - including every picture I had taken for the previous five years. Yes - I thought I was backed up. No - I actually wasn't. Lesson learned. The local so-called computer whiz wasn't hitting on much when he attempted the retrieval process...
tears were shed.

Luckily - most of the good stuff still existed here at Calm, Forward, Straight. Although the original dressage dream (oh how the universe must have laughed) has fizzled, as has my time for blogging - CFS did document this crazy journey - riding and retraining, and from horse to house.

Thanks to everyone who followed and supported us along the way. Checking in on fellow equestrian bloggers is a very enjoyable part of every day, and I am so thankful for the friends and mentors - virtual and actual - that have come into my life through blogging.

What does the future hold? As of yesterday - I have taken over the family business. Time will be an even more precious commodity from here on out. I'd like to say I'll resume riding and blogging regularly at some point, but the priorities are staying healthy so I can continue working, and paying off my debt. Val has an insurance policy with his name on it, and a spot at Paradigm Farms if and when that time comes. And being lucky enough to bookend my days caring for my big 'ol knucklehead of a horse makes every bit of the last ten years worthwhile.

 ✶✶     Val        


 ✶✶     Working     



✶     Adversity    



✶     Farmette    


 ✶     2009 - 2019    


  1. I have always adored Val and loved reading about your journey! Also, paradigm farm is awesome! how loving of you to nab a spot for him there!

  2. Val is such a handsome horse and clearly has a tough life. 😁 congratulations on taking over the family business. You certainly live in a beautiful area, even with the flooding and hurricanes.

  3. Congratulations on taking over the family business, even though we don't see a lot of you in the blogosphere I'm glad you periodically bounce in and let us know what you are up to!

    1. Time is a finite resource. I definitely keep up with what everyone else is doing...😁

  4. Congratulations and good luck with the family business. I hope you find time to show off the rest of your house one day. Just wondering if you miss the Shimmy Shack at all?

    I love Val and have loved following your journey with him. He's just so sweet. He still looks great! I hope you find time to ride him. All of your pictures are wonderful, it's a beautiful place to live even though you sometimes get extreme weather. Keep us posted about how everything is going when you get a chance.

    1. I hope to finish off my house series soon. It actually took the full year to get everything finished and where I want it. I do miss the Shimmy Shack - surprisingly lol...

  5. Happy New Year to you and Val. It sounds like you will be very busy in 2020 — as if you weren’t already. Thanks so much for staying in touch. I know you won’t have much time for blogging (I know I pretty much disappeared the last five years) but do pop in now and again and show us photos of Val and the house. ...and, yeah, dressage dreams. I had those too. LOL. It was a great journey though and so good for our horses (and us) even if we never did make the big time.

    1. I'm so happy you've achieved retirement, and are back blogging again. I love seeing what you've done with your beautiful ranch.❤️

  6. I LOVE your raised planters! Your whole little property is so beautiful <3 Happy New Year!

    1. After the last hurricane flooded out my garden again - I researched and ordered those galvanized modular beds. There were several comments on the manufacturer's website from folks who live on the se coast in hurricane alley, and apparently they hold up well. Happy New Year to you and your herd!

  7. So cool seeing all these photos together. At some point all my pre-2011 photos got fried on my external. Some are on my various blogs and social media outlets, but many are gone forever, a fact that had me crying pretty bitterly last night while I was putting together an album of Ozzy's life. ANYWAY! Love when you take time to check in, though I know life is busy and there are other priorities. You've worked hard for all you have and it's a beautiful life indeed. Glad to have met you on here <3

  8. Almost every picture I have of Sweetpea was lost when my laptop bit the dust. SO sad... Dom - I hold out hope we'll meet irl life at some point as well. You have to let me know when you're down next for the Blackwater ride - I'll come crew for you. :D

  9. Loved seeing the decade in review! Hoping this comment goes through.


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