Val has come to the conclusion that...
the neighbors' air compressor isn't a horse killing monster
I will reliably show up with food of a decent quality and quantity
barefoot is good
guinea hens make an infernal racket
Val seems to enjoy the freedom of his run-in shelter... I think he spent a lot of time in a stall at his former barn. He has taken to trail riding on the beach and has even dipped his toes in the water. I have high hopes that we'll be swimming in the ocean next summer :)
I have learned...
that I can survive getting up at 5 am for morning feedings before work
hay keeping can be as challenging as horse keeping
a full wheelbarrow of manure is HEAVY
it's not that easy to remove horse shoes
horses have a lot of belongings... there is always something else they "need"
We've weathered our first big storm together... Nor'Ida. The remnants of hurricane Ida married a nor'easter and flooded the island from both sides, taking out our (one and only) road to the mainland. I had to wade out of my neighborhood and hitchhike up to the barn for three days. Thank goodness I'm a hay hoarder!