My goals at this point are fairly simple - calm, forward and straight - as in the title of this blog. Calm is not a problem for us so far. Achieving an appropriate energy level has been a little more of a challenge, but we get there when I consistently insist that my aides are answered. Then there's steering... inside rein-itis and uneven rein aides have held me back, but I resolve to overcome these obstacles this spring.
Reflections on being a new horse owner...
While I was fairly well prepared for the horse-keeping aspects of horse ownership, I had little realization of the level of responsibility that training would present. Admittedly, I was overwhelmed at first. After getting used to the idea for a few months, I've chosen to see training as an opportunity for growth that I didn't have before I owned a horse... not just growth as an equestrian, but personal growth.
Who knew?!
Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year!

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