Calm, Forward, Straight

Calm, Forward, Straight

Saturday, January 26, 2013

At the Barn #62 - Tomorrow never knows...

The day began by letting Val go naked - for first time in several days - giving his blanket and underoos (shoulder guard) time to air out.

A shoulder massage and major grooming session followed this afternoon. He who has been Mr. Antsy Pants since the weather changed, rested in the cross ties, periodically yawning and snorting contentedly. A full tail comb-out, mane + forelock brush (sighs for this) and a tidy up of the bridle path (mmmmm, clippers) finished out the afternoon's pampering.

After getting dressed again, a small friend stopped by to share carrots. This is the first time that little G (three year old son of my photographer friend A) has been brave enough to feed the beast. We'll get him hooked on horses yet!

G kept a steady stream of carrots coming, giggling delightedly. I kept the piranha mouth busy between bites with pieces of soft peppermint stick. The small friend didn't lose any of his digits, though I worried about Val grabbing the tiny mitten along with a carrot - after what I went through with him the previous evening...

(Cue dreadful music)

Last night while layering Val up with his blankies, out of the corner of my eye, I could see him flipping the mitten he snitched from my pocket while I fumbled around with the icy buckles. Did I mention it was dark, and sleeting? I went to put my mittens back on, but could only find one in my pocket, and nothing on the ground. (!)

Let's just say I jammed my forearm into his mouth, frightened he had already swallowed. Frantic visions of hooking up the trailer, and driving through sleet and snow to an after hours vet emergency filled my head. What a relief to find a soggy mitten plastered to the roof of Val's mouth, though I was prepared to send the search party further if necessary.

Despite your best efforts, we made it through another year. Happy Birthday my sweet Valentino - 11 years young today. Love you buddy!


  1. Happy birthday, Val! Glad he didn't get that mitten down . . .

  2. Happy Bithday you handsome guy! Jeez, a mitten, glad he didn't swallow it. That wouldn't have been a very nice birthday surprise for him. Glad he got lots of carrots from his new little buddy. Except for the mitten incident he had a great birthday.

  3. Happy Birthday, Val! No more mitten munching, big guy.

  4. Happy Birthday Valentino - you handsome devil you! That mitten story is hysterical (since it turned out okay)

  5. I shouldn't laugh, but....
    Silly horse!

  6. yay Happy birthday Val! That must have been quite nerve wracking, glad he didn't swallow the mitten though :)

  7. Happy Birthday Val! So wonderful the mitten was found - scary. Our sweet and wonderful kissy, mouthy, Thoroughbreds! Also glad that little friend had the courage to give carrots. The thin edge of the wedge...and then a lifetime of special times with horses.

    Val and I share the same birthday!

  8. juliette -

    Hope you had a fabulous birthday! (assuming you didn't try to eat any of your clothing) ;D

  9. horses! glad you got the mitten back! I once went diving into irish's mouth because he managed to snatch a plastic bag with carrot pieces in it.

    I had all the sames visions you did!

  10. I'm glad you were able to grab that mitten in time! Spending his birthday at the vet's office would not have been fun. Happy Birthday, Val!

  11. Happy birthday, Val! So glad that mitten didn't go any further down the hatch!

  12. Happy birthday Val! I'm awfully glad you didn't eat any fingers or mittens for your birthday ;)

  13. A MITTEN! Oh, what a scary blog post you have provided! The things horses will get themselves into! A soggy mitten stuck to the roof of his mouth! Now that I know he is safe, it is almost comical. Almost, I say, but not quite! . That's like when my Uncle's dog ate a washcloth! SHRIEK!! Don't worry, it pooped out no problem. SHRIEK AGAIN! Glad to hear things are stellar there! Send us some warm weather, please!

  14. Good grief! A mitten?! Happy birthday, beautiful Val, and best wishes for many more!


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